Organic Kimchi, Recipe with Benefits

Kimchi is not just a delicious accompaniment to meals, it also packs a punch in terms of health benefits. From its unique taste to its diverse nutrients, kimchi has rightfully earned its place as a loved accompaniment on our plates.  It is easy & inexpensive to make with our emphasis on fresh, high quality ingredients.  It is a perfect fit with our own Ellan Farm organic produce that we had only just harvested.  Read on as we explore numerous benefits of kimchi & share a step-by-step recipe to make your very own batch of this tangy side at home.


The Health Benefits of Kimchi 

1. Probiotic Powerhouse: Kimchi is a fermented food made primarily from cabbage & other vegetables, seasoned with a blend of spices & flavours. The fermentation process involves lactic acid bacteria, also known as probiotics. These beneficial bacteria aid in promoting a healthy gut flora, contributing to improved digestion & overall gut health.

2. Rich in Nutrients: The main ingredient in kimchi is usually Cabbage, which is an excellent source of essential vitamins & minerals like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, calcium, & iron. The fermentation process also enhances the bioavailability of these nutrients, making them more easily absorbed by the body.

3. Boosts the Immune System: Thanks to its abundant vitamin C content & antioxidants, kimchi can give your immune system a much-needed boost, helping you ward off illnesses & infections.

4. Weight Management: Kimchi is a low-calorie & low-fat dish, making it a perfect addition to a weight-conscious diet. Its spicy nature also helps to curb appetite, promoting feelings of fullness & reducing overeating tendencies.

5. Helps Digestion: The fermentation process breaks down complex carbohydrates in the vegetables, making them easier to digest. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with digestive issues or those sensitive to certain foods.

6. Heart Health: Regular consumption of kimchi may help to lower cholesterol levels due to the presence of garlic, ginger, & chili peppers in its ingredients. These components have been associated with heart-protective properties.

7. Cancer-Fighting Properties: Some studies have suggested that the fermentation process in kimchi can produce compounds that may have anti-cancer effects. Additionally, the presence of cruciferous vegetables like cabbage has been linked to a reduced risk of certain types of cancer.


Kimchi Recipe: Tangy, Spicy & Delicious

Ingredients: Makes 1 litre jar

- 1kg cabbage, shredded

- 4 teaspoons pink Himalayan salt

- 4 spring onions, chopped lengthwise

- 3 medium carrots, peeled & grated

- 1 daikon radish, peeled & grated

The Paste

- 1 tablespoon grated ginger

- 5-6 cloves garlic, minced

- 3 tablespoons Korean chilli flakes (gochugaru)



1.      Remove outer leaves of cabbage, washing thoroughly to remove soil & then roughly chop.

2.     Add the cabbage & salt to a large bowl, massage the salt through the cabbage until it starts to soften.

3.      Then add water to cover the cabbage, weigh it down with a bowl or plate so all the cabbage is completely submerged. Leave it sit for 1 hour to kill off any potential bacteria.

4.     Next, thoroughly rinse the cabbage with cold water & drain.  Ensure you squeeze out all the excess water.  

5.     Now on to the paste, blend the grated ginger, grated garlic & gochugaru until smooth. Add a splash of water if needed.  Optional: Add 1 -2 extra tablespoons of gochugaru to increase the heat!

6.     Gently squeeze any remaining water from the cabbage & add to a large bowl with the onions, carrots & radishes.  Mix in the paste until all the vegetables are well covered. 

7.      Pack the kimchi mix into a 1 litre jar, pressing down with your fist every handful until the brine (liquid) covers the vegetables.  Leave 2.5cm space (about 2 fingers) at the top of the jar & seal it. 

8.     Let the kimchi ferment for 5 days at room temperature.  After 5 days, open the lid to release the pressure build up (burping).  Transfer to the fridge & the flavours will continue to deepen as well as slow down the fermentation process.  Keep stored in the fridge for up to 1 month.


Embrace the Tangy, Spicy World of Kimchi!

Whether you're an adventurous foodie or someone looking to enhance their overall well-being, kimchi is undoubtedly a tasty & nutritious choice. Its combination of delicious flavours & gut-boosting properties makes it an excellent addition to any diet. With this simple recipe, you can now embark on your own kimchi-making journey, relishing in the satisfaction of creating this Korean classic right in your own kitchen.


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